News and articles
We present a selection of academic articles of interest, together with an updating of laws.

The High Court 100 years after the Constitution.
February 2, 2017
The symbolism involved in commemorating one hundred years’ of the 1917 Constitution, invites reflection on the working of our institutions and the current status of the effective protection of human rights in Mexico.

Luis María Aguilar, presiding minister of our Highest Tribunal, affirms that the Judicial Power of the Federation and, specifically, the High Court of Justice of the Nation, have been fundamental in giving life to our magna carta.

Source: Luis María Aguilar Morales, El Mundo del Abogado
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Foro Código Nacional de Procedimientos Penales [Forum National Criminal Proceedings Code].
January 10, 2017
The promulgation of the National Criminal Proceedings Code signifies an advance in the obtaining of criminal justice system in Mexico, from the viewpoint of the 2008 constitutional reforms.

However, as the authors of the present work emphasize, a body of laws is not sufficient to transform certain judicial practices which prevent justice from attaining the desired standards.

This forum took place with the idea of generating proposals which, on reflection and through debate, result in an optimization and improvement of a criminal procedural system the purpose of which is to improve the achievement and administration of justice in Mexico.

ISBN: 978-607-9404-28-4
156 pages
Paperback binding

Source: Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales [National Institute of Criminal Sciences]
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